Monday, March 29, 2010

Tired Yeast Infection Implantation

Hellbent, pain ... it's hard!

How hard it is to suffer and feel torn. I have no taste in anything and everything became bitter. I'm missing you my darling. I think of you every moment. I want you with me my love. You do not know the pain I feel from you and especially your indifference kills me mercilessly, often my tears flow but now there is more your soft hands to wipe them.
I told you many times that your presence is vital for me. And today I am an orphan from you ... and only your love that flows in my veins and still makes my heart beat.

I love you for life 3zizti

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Diy Tilting Trike Designs

"Liberty, Equality, Femininity."

March 8, 2010:

International Women's Day

The International Women's Day

"Liberty, Equality, Femininity."

To mark women's day (the hundredth anniversary) I hope happy birthday to all women, I wish you all the beautiful things of this world. Sometimes I wonder what kind of society are we! a society that celebrates Valentine's day and ignore the woman, a day that must not pass without us recall the situation of women in society and the inequalities they experience. Hopefully a better day for the woman who could be a mother, sister, cousin, wife ... but forget that it is she who gives life.
Happy birthday to you ladies and ladies and a special thought to my loving darling I think about constantly.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lumbar Radiculopathy More Condition_symptoms

That's hard ...

It's cold in the winter night and the wind blows. I'm under my duvet scattered minds and eyes closed ... memories that accentuate my suffering even more and break my heart .... memories of our two to the beach, restaurants, home, car .... You do not know how much I miss you my darling and how much I suffer. I stopped to take you on the head with the pain I feel and my worries to avoid that you get nervous ... I took everything about me and I suffer alone in my corner without disturbing you. Before I tell you what I feel and I speak to you mentioning my sadness and my pain but now you accept it more thing that pushed me to not address this issue and avoid your anger ...
I still need your presence but if I do everything to resist but every time I end up cracking. The emotion came over me and tears often run ... I could not stop them. I suffer every day, every hour and every moment, but I remain silent ... but with time I feel more and more bruised.
Your ignorance is killing me every day more and I still do not understand why you doing this to me ... I have done nothing and I have asked for anything but now even an enemy you do not treat it that way ... I do not know what happened your gentleness and your love towards me ... why are you so hard with me ... I know that you torture yourself behaving in this way, whatever your reason.
I feel a stranger in your eyes, I feel worthless for you .... I am insignificant in your life .... but still your love makes me live in hope one day to feel your hand in hand bright future and live the eternal love.

I love you darling and you will remain my greatest love while I'm on this earth. My life without you is worthless ... I wait that your heart just cover me with His love and gentleness.