- "I never knew Inari. However, at his request, I will write about his host, a difficult task for me that I never wrote that to dream or to lecture. Qu 'is important. That is not the issue. "
I'm sure, Inari, you will not contradict me when I say that this man who gave you life exudes a special aura. The first time I saw him, even before we talked, I was struck by his relaxed and self-assurance. He had not yet seen. He waited on the platform of the station, her eyes moving in all directions ...
His eyes ... This is the second feature that I noticed about him: the eyes dark and penetrating, that I dared not fix despite the temptation, for these eyes then gave the impression that if you captured it would be impossible to become loose. In short, it gave off - and always emerges! - An undeniable charisma, and I suppose, Inari Hence it is that your own radiation. After all, you too will have torn the hearts ...
Without having known at the time he lived through you, I've heard and read enough, I think in order to define yourself. I do not doubt it, since it is you who express yourself here, he tossed thee with their own life, a good character to you. But you share with him that look critically at the world - not critical to the derogatory sense, I reassure you right away, but by what you reflect on what you observe - and this profound sense of observation. It's nice to read your thoughts, because they are constructed, which proves to me that you're with a logical and methodical - like him. Also, I'd say you both are complementary. He loves to laugh, you you're serious, at least in your articles. He sometimes likes to write poems, to adjudicate on the music, you only write articles reflecting on the world and human society. Finally, you are primarily a game avatar who lives on the web, while he conducts his life in real life. Yes, you fill in well, so much so that I could be jealous if I did not know that you are a facet of it.
When I knew I was a timid girl, shy, who dared not face him. Probably Eryndel, my alter ego, would it be more easily established contact with you if she had walked the same regions of the web as you. And myself, before meeting in the flesh, talking easily with him on MSN ... under this pseudonym, always.
However, with his teasing, his kindness, his enthusiasm, his aplomb, I ended up changing. Thanks to him, I became more outgoing, more sure of myself. I longer hesitate to take initiative, I started to reach out to people, to dare to give my opinion. It took you a lot of patience to both - yes, you too, Inari, because your writings are partly for something - to achieve this, but I've realized recently, at work, where I was given some responsibilities this year. Oh, yes, I still have to move in that direction, but it is certain that with your help I shall succeed in doing what path to self-development to completion. So thank you to you, Inari, and thank you to him.
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