December 2010 Rhapsody of Realites Normal
false false false
3 / 12 - Stand firm in Faith 4 / 12 - High Priest of Our Confessions
5 / 12 - The Holy Spirit can you reveal mysteries
6 / 12 - You should receive the Holy Spirit
7 / 12 - Do not find any pretext for Disease
8 / 12 - We receive
9 / 12 - God's unconditional love for you
10/12 - Christ is a place
11/12 - The True Essence of Prayer
12/12 - This is a day of joy and thanksgiving!
13/12 - Life without limits!
14/12 - Let your Spirit be responsible at all times
15/12 - The confession takes you to the Hi
16/12 - The Hi this is for the living
17/12 - You can have faith that others be healed
18/12 - Demonstrate the love of God
19/12 - The God of all comfort
20/12 - Confidence is a gift
21/12 - There is a greater glory to come!
22/12 - Do not bend at the day of trouble
23/12 - The divinity of Jesus
24/12 - You've got the love in you!
25/12 - Christ is born in our hearts!
26/12 - ships to reach the world!
27/12 - Eternal Life - God's gift to us!
28/12 - He knows what you need!
29/12 - Do not be disturbed by false accusations
30/12 - It has planned for you before you came
31/12 - Do not get lost in the World''''
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