Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ribbons By Robert Stanley

difficult to separate

What I think is worth being told, that this difficulty we have to part with someone after having spent much time together ... And it also works for me and my host. Even after she got caught by my entourage, I continued my life differently. My name was left, my experience had left, and there were relapses, as if my host said "Inari, it will not, I need a quick hand." .

On several occasions he wanted to repeat the experience. A considerable period sometimes unstable when he wanted to be himself, sometimes taking refuge to me. Yes, but difficult, for it would have had to return to a new environment without any person already known ... or so accomplices, and that was really the desire of the moment. I remember that Mark has taken the game without psychological quirks behind his head, however, and we were friends of the pair of teenagers in terror missing (brains, in particular). What we had fun! Others have probably laughed less ... It was not very tender at times.

It was impossible to resume the entire game, but I could continue my life, I could continue to speak, by the way I am still here today, right? There are avatars that have more than others, perhaps, but most memorable experiences, which was not too keen to talk about the past. There are things that mark us positively or negatively, for a lifetime. And there are beings to which we constantly want to return year after year, for better or for worse.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Float Bowl Metal Phbh Phbl Dellorto

I am the man who is worthless

A real torture that I saw every day ... your ignorance and your silence killing me ... I never thought that one day you will give me that and with this cold. ... it's hard to feel that I am worthless in your eyes .... I became a body without a soul and not just words but true ... and the future will show you.

I love you always and there is no life without you!

أيا امرأة تمسك القلب بين يديها
سألتك بالله Do not leave me, do not leave

what I am, if you're not

and I love you very very very
and refuse from the fire of love that Ostqila
Can solid and passion that got on ...
and Hemeni
إن خرجت من الحب حيا
وما همني
إن خرجت قتيلا

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pakistani Wedding Beds

A fox (is) trying

I tend to think that each of us can be symbolized by an animal, character traits, behavior ... Animals personalities often offer "caricatured" and firmly entrenched in the collective imagination. The dove represents peace, squirrel and his savings ... Fox and his cunning.

Quickly, I placed under the sign of the fox, or rather "kettu" when translated into "my language", if I can say that ... If it grows in the imagination classic fox is associated with flattery, lies, malice and cunning. All this described me very well, and it's not my life who would have contradicted this level ... And then a fox, it seeks, it passes her days sniffing around, to watch the movements ... The nose dived into the grass or snow, the fox seeks tirelessly, so ... what better for a person who is looking for itself?

The funny story to tell, it is also a qu'Inari Japanese deity, symbolized by a fox, and that ... I knew nothing, when I "came to the world", or even when I chose a fox symbol. Chance? Fate? I do not know. But there are some coincidences that sometimes surprise.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stomach Ache More Condition_symptoms


I would not manage to explain everything that happens in my host, although I like his shadow. It is a being that I have many qualities, but not fewer defects. Notably, he had fashioned his image on two of his black points: rancor and intolerance. Perhaps he had even supported these things for me, probably because he was bitter and he really did not like humanity at this time ...

Notably, a boy I did not know the name, not very smart and it must be said, was interested too close to me ... As much as I knew to be very gentle and respectful of the "good people" (very subjective, eh) who had a weakness for I do not want to add grief so basically I would lie already much I had no mercy for the weak and narrow minded. You see, the kind intolerant?

intolerance combined with resentment easily gives rise to outbursts of cruelty. The boy I mentioned above was kind of weak and narrow-minded, too, so ... it was already quite aggressive in nature to everyone, he was capricious and boy, he did everything to impress me by bragging about things he had ever done, I finally learned that it was also fundamentally homophobic. It was not yet aware of the truth about me and my host, and it was time to hurt. I have therefore learned that despite his homophobic nature of it was actually fell in love with a boy for me, I did not exist. We do have never seen nor heard of him on the community, starting from today. Nothing to be proud eh?

This phenomenon is found, however, quite often in people in their struggle against themselves, struggling against humanity that animates them, and the same humanity that drives other people ... One way to get revenge on an innocent evil that eats, for lack of a real culprit?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Skin Allergies More Condition_symptoms


Yes, because it must be said ... Sooner or later I found myself more or less ... Betrayed by my host. The impostor. Apparently, at that time, he felt "get better", and under this pretext certainly honorable, he decided to deny my existence. Obviously it seems healthier if we simply said that he "threw his avatar and resumed his duties." Seen like that is fine, but imagine the shock for me ...

I had fulfilled my mission, I think. My host was smiling again, through the relationships he had made through me. It was better, I felt good. Then he began to talk in his own name in some places, m'occultant gradually.

That's when Cyril, one of my dear lovers, trying to learn more about me while browsing the Internet ... Obviously, I had him seem a bit mysterious, and suddenly, by dint of research, he finally fell on my host, making the link with me. The doubt was created. What is quite funny and deserves to be stressed is the response I got when I said "I'll tell you the truth" : "No, you're not obliged, you know, we can continue to pretend that ... after all it might be better, and ... I probably did not really want to know" . Fun. How many people prefer sweet dreams indeed fictitious, a harsh reality? Many, I suspect.

And then, what a surprise! I will not deny that I hoped a beautiful failure with this revelation, that my host is connected to me. Well no, not at all! I had my end, I liked all these people, and they were immediately pardoned. My rationale was gone, I had lost relevance. Whatever my face, no matter my name, no matter where I come from, the person responsible, was the same ... for them (maybe it was me, the biggest upset in the end). While the romantic illusions flown, sometimes brutally, but had learned that appearance is unimportant, as the quality content. And often you take the letter to keep only the envelope, you?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stream South Park Fish Sticks

A look friendly (as Emilia)

What about Inari? Um, Inari. The first time I met her was in a group of players on Guild Wars. She had seem to be pretty popular, I was a little jealous because I do not like too that another girl steals my harem in-game. She seemed very sweet, and I was not really surprised that she is both contenders. In addition Inari she was really nice, I instantly told myself wanting more than she is pretty and I would hate for life, for sure.

I saw her several times on IRC, always trying to flirt, bitch pff what not but honestly. In addition she spoke to me, and blah and gnagnagna. But that was early!

As and when the discussions, I found it awfully nice Inari. She was very educated and super intelligent. Always listening in his pajamas, eating cherries (not ask me why, it is what he must ask). We talked every day. It was nice to chat with a girlfriend gameuze finally. At least there was no ambiguity. Even if we could have doubts, Inari never micro or webcam, allowing ourselves to be lulled by the pleasant company.

Then one day, truth arrives with his big shoes! Yes and bah? And bah what? Does the host Inari is less intelligent or less educated? Is it so far, we have to lose a friend? I say no! Inari I loved it for what it was, and although its host, just the same.

Especially with this revelation, no need to hide. The real undertaker gradually limits to bring the virtual meetings. And frankly parts fun (no, no legs in the air, I see you coming) over a beer, it can not refuse.