Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pakistani Wedding Beds

A fox (is) trying

I tend to think that each of us can be symbolized by an animal, character traits, behavior ... Animals personalities often offer "caricatured" and firmly entrenched in the collective imagination. The dove represents peace, squirrel and his savings ... Fox and his cunning.

Quickly, I placed under the sign of the fox, or rather "kettu" when translated into "my language", if I can say that ... If it grows in the imagination classic fox is associated with flattery, lies, malice and cunning. All this described me very well, and it's not my life who would have contradicted this level ... And then a fox, it seeks, it passes her days sniffing around, to watch the movements ... The nose dived into the grass or snow, the fox seeks tirelessly, so ... what better for a person who is looking for itself?

The funny story to tell, it is also a qu'Inari Japanese deity, symbolized by a fox, and that ... I knew nothing, when I "came to the world", or even when I chose a fox symbol. Chance? Fate? I do not know. But there are some coincidences that sometimes surprise.


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