Saturday, February 26, 2011

Fish Stick Song South Park

Understand love God and know my

Understand love, and God knows ...:

Thank You Message, Wedding

Jaeson Love feat bruno March

Friday, February 25, 2011

Motorcycle Trial Clothes

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Faecal Incontinence More Condition_symptoms

The Power of Love, The greatest power! Guile

Message Rhapsody of R é alit é s

now these three remain: faith, e spérance, Shari e , but the greatest of these is the Charit e (1 Corinthians 13:13).

As Christians, we have a responsibility to change the world and the only way we can do it by the power of love. We will have to understand the ministry of the Spirit in love. It is important for us to understand the love of God, and walking, because love is the greatest power that exists. No wonder that the Spirit of God through the Apostle Paul prayed, "and know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with the fullness of God. "Ephesians 3: 19.
You can be a Christian for many years, or even a preacher and do not know what it is that love of God. Our call is to know and express God's love. You will not understand the love of God until you walk, because we experience the love of God when we understand that. Just as God has manifested His love for us in sending Jesus to die for us, you must express God's love to your world. Let love be visible in your eyes.
It reminds me of an incident at the School of Healing while I paid department has a baby girl who was completely paralyzed due to cerebral palsy. She had been able to walk and talk for years. When her mother took her, I did not need to touch, I just look into her eyes with love and she was healed. The demons can not resist the love of God. They give away. When people see the love of God manifest through you, it has a powerful impact on their lives.
That love is the seal of your life. There must be someone you dislike, and there should be someone you can not love. It is possible to love everyone, especially when you choose to look with eyes of love. Think about it: the love of God transforms a person has previously harmful as Saul of Tarsus into Paul the great Apostle to the Gentiles. This same love is powerful enough to transform anyone, no matter how aggressive, recalcitrant, rebellious or annoying the person can be!

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for giving me a heart that loves all the time. Your love saturates my whole being and now, through Your Spirit, I manifest Your love to everyone around me through my words and my deeds in the name of Jesus.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Heavy Metal Poisoning More Condition_symptoms

Shrewdness is the penetration of mind, insight that reveals and Dem & # 234; l promptly and surely the most difficult things, the most hidden. Is the penetration, shrewdness, wit that makes discovering and understanding the most difficult things.
The word of God is wise, talented penetration of mind. (Hebrews 4:12) The word of God
(active at you) gives you the wisdom in the things of life. Superb!

Moy Laskoviy I Nezhnyy Film

relations deserve our care

From - By Rick Warren
Relationships are always worth it restores them.
Pay close attention to your relationships.

Learning to love is what is most important in life. God wants us to cherish our relationship and do everything we can to preserve, rather than give it up whenever there is a tear, injury or conflict.

In fact, the Bible tells us that God has entrusted the ministry of restoring relationships. It is for this reason that much of the New Testament is devoted reports of each other.
For the apostle Paul, our ability to get along with our neighbor is a sign of spiritual maturity. Christ wants his family is known for the love that unites its members. Broken relationships are a bad witness to unbelievers. That's why Paul was so upset to learn that members of the church at Corinth was divided up and went to take him to court.

He writes: "I say this to your shame. Thus, among you, there is no one wise man who can make a decision between his brothers "(1 Corinthians 6.5). He was shocked that there was nobody in the church who was mature enough to resolve the conflict peacefully. In the same letter, he said: "We must, however, brothers, that I send you an earnest recommendation, which is the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that I do. Live together in harmony [...] "(1 Corinthians 1.10).

If you want God to bless your life and others know that you are his child, you must learn to be a craftsman peace. Jesus said: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called son of God!" (Matthew 5.9).

Notice that Jesus did not say: "Blessed are those who love peace," because everyone loves peace. He did not say either: "Blessed are those who are peaceful," which can never be disturbed by anything. Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers," those who actively seek to resolve conflicts.

action for today

The Peacemakers are rare because it is not an easy task. But in your capacity as a member of the family of God, to work for peace is one of the most important skills you can develop. Pay close attention to your relationships.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Honeywell Chronotherm Cm700

NO COMMENT: black, white, color ... a big mess ... Valentine

Chinas faces in Stepanavan

Pascal January
On top
Vartan the magnificent

My chandelier

Little pleasure in going to Yerevan
The Chinese are cunning
Flower made in China?
A music school

Madonna and Child behind curtain
You can trust me
Do not Touch the xolovatz!
Happy Armine

Sona mode


Melanya Baxramian, president of the School of Music
The total breaks

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pins And Needles More Condition_symptoms

Give your life to God Psalm 27:1-2

Have you ever seen a butterfly? or contemplated the sunrise? Have you ever seen a river flow? or cast a glance at the rainbow? The Bible says in Romans 1v19-20: "For what can be known about God is manifest in them, God having made known to them. Indeed, the invisible things of God, his eternal power and divinity, see themselves as the eye, since the creation of the world, when considered in his works. They are without excuse. "
All works of creation reveal the glory and power of God and express a clear message that you can not not understand. God went further and revealed Himself to us through His Son Jesus Christ. The Scriptures declare that He is the true image of God and the splendor of his glory. Jesus himself said: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." Through His Son, God demonstrated His love by making Him an offering for our sins to reconcile us to Him. By His death, He showed us how to commune with Him and now He wants us to receive the divine life that Jesus has placed at our disposal so that He might be in us and through us.
Today, you can receive God's life in your mind and become a new creature in Christ, so that the beauty and power are visible in you. Everything you need to do is make this prayer sincerely from your heart, and God will listen.
Oh Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, your Son who died for me and was resurrected from the dead for my justification.
So I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from today. I receive the forgiveness of sins for my soul and I receive eternal life in my mind.
I'm saved! I am born again! Thank you for making me your child.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jill Buchner Environment


1. David. The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life: Who should I be afraid? 2. When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, These are my persecutors and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.
3. If an army should encamp against me, My heart shall not fear Though war should rise against me, I would nevertheless full of confidence.
4. I ask the Lord something that I seek: I'd like to live my life in the house of the Lord, to behold the beauty of the LORD And to his temple.
5. Because it will protect me His tabernacle in the day of trouble He will hide me under the shelter of his tent, He set me up upon a rock.
6. And now my head lifted up above my enemies around me, I will offer sacrifices in his tent, the sound of the trumpet, I sing, I praise the Lord.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lobster Boat Building Plans

life in Hayastan: the fire of God!

the eve of Valentine's Day, the Armenians are playing literally with fire and celebrate what they call Terendeze (or something like that ...).
The principle of this tradition of pagan origin is quite simple: a bonfire is lit (in self preference), it then performs a circle around the newlyweds and must cross a candle in his hand.
All that to put the odds on his side, ensuring happiness and prosperity for their offspring and chase away evil spirits, kind bad jinn. Sometimes, a guest or friend of the couple also runs through the fire, just to purify themselves in case there is something to be ashamed ...
One can of course take the opportunity to enter a giant xolovatz pincos all, history does not have that fire in the wind ... predict its merguez relief then.

Sunday last year I went to church to take some shots of that tradition. Here they are for you, dear reader of choice for whom I would brave any danger, just to inform you.

Note the bag plastic in the fire ... Environment not top

Vodka is not just put your head upside down ...
Because of the huge smoke, each participant has risen 50% chance of cancer nab

Everyone needs to light a candle using this fire ... a real traffic candles organized

This guy has probably had to do something very ugly because the fire has crossed twice
What is strange in there, is that if this party is directly after the pagan tradition, why celebrate within the church that rejects the logical? I consider it my duty to see very soon the young priest whom I met nice to ask him. To be continued ...

Read more about this tradition, read this article explains everything better than me ... but the photos are less well!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Plague More Condition_symptoms

Perspectives on the Love of God

The Holy Spirit is the patron of the Church today. You can not know the Father or Jesus without it being by the Holy Spirit. Unless you learns to recognize it, your life will be a disaster from time to time. Everything will be fine, then you fall, well then again, then fall again ... The Holy Spirit becomes what you need it. Question: What do you think he is?

The only way we have to change this world is through the power of love through the Holy Spirit. The love of God, what is it? You can preach or be a pastor for a long time and not knowing what it is. You can be so 'you' that you can not find God in you. Question: Is not that He lives in you, because he already lives in you, but does it speak through you, is it running, working through you?
understand the love of God, I can only understand it if it works in me. Know him is to love. The love of God is understood when experienced. You can not understand it without living it. When you walk in love, it will change your vocabulary. There are things that you can not say or think when you walk in love. That love is seen through you. How do you serve God? Love is the path (way) as excellent, The More Excellent Way. The power that you receive should be the power of love. Deliberately change my way of talking and my way of communicating. Jesus is your example. How was Jesus? Is what you could be like him? You think it's ok to be just you? He redeemed you for you to do what he wants you to do. He redeemed you so that He is your Lord. You have to be a slave to love Jesus. Your body and mind belong to the Lord. I belong to Jesus, I'm his property. Until you submit yourself to this reality, you will not be free. Where art thou to be yourself and let it guide your life? Until you submit yourself you can not administer truth.
Interact love the show. It starts with your language. The things we say to people is more important than we give them. Words are powerful. Train yourself to have a good language. Change your communication consciously. Discover Jesus' ministry. When you find Jesus, change your language. The things you say about people you do not say more. Everyone has value for you, they like me or not. Jesus was compassionate. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is different from being full of yourself. What matters is what Jesus think. I can not get satisfaction in ministry although I understand that. When you walk in his footsteps then you will be satisfied.
The discovery of the love of God will carry me to the highest level of anointing. The number one agent of healing is love. Walking in love is a decision that you should take a moment to give. Do not walk the way of the world. Do not love someone, you do not let the love of God flowing. It is a decision. Be full of love. If you want to prosper and succeed in everything and being in the right place at the right time then you have to walk in love. You have to practice and train you there, not because you love to do. You can not speak negatively but speak the Word. Can you train yourself to only see the positive side of things? Can you only say what God would say? Speaks as Jesus is the One who reveals the Father. Being loving means being full of God. The secret things of God are multiplied when you walk in love. Angels become your friends. Love is the fulfilling of the law. The person who hates you do not know you. If you really knew, she does not hate you. Are you friendly? Can you love anyone?
Everything Jesus did was love. His actions, his words were ... words of love. Until the love of God becomes a subjective reality in my life, do the hard man will not change. There must be someone I do not like. Hamann (Book of Esther) has lost everything because of one person he did not like and that ruined his day. He wanted to get rid of anyone who liked that person, he even extended this order to all Jews. If you're in a good mood until you met this' person is bad. Inside you die, you do not know Jesus. There must be a change if you want to become that which God has called you got to be. You have to be responsible for what happens to you. Though God tell you to do is to your advantage. Never speak ill of somebody. People who walk in love and trust. There is fear, insecurity in the heart when you do not walk in love.
Start talking love, talking about love and talk about love. This must be my language. Practical to think that way. If you do not change in your life, you will become just older. If you are offended because of what someone does or says is that you are not yet mature. Offenses but will pay attention. Humble yourself, you will be happier. Romans 13: 10 He who loves does no harm to its neighbor. If you want to be a success and nothing come in and destroy anything in your life: walk in love.
Love: the highest quality of God's character. God is love. Walking in love is to know God. The greatest revelation of Christianity is Christ living in you his love you.

Friday, February 11, 2011

S T I More Condition_symptoms

Mobile phones in Armenia: Yes em "Multi SIM cards"

Dear avid reader and fond of true information about the armenian way of life, here is a post short, but informative on the relationship Love qu'entretiennent Armenians with their laptops.

S i you are going in Armenia, do not rise above fear, seeing someone in the street excited on his laptop trying to change the SIM card for the sixteenth consecutive times. It is quite normal. Do not worry if you see a guy with two phones in hand and a third bullet between his teeth, his eyes bloodshot and foaming at the mouth. Again, this is quite normal, it's part of everyday life in Hayastan. It is a fact, the Armenian is a phone addict and has often two or three phones with multiple SIM cards.

So what? What's going on? One laptop would not be enough?
Social recognition is determined by the amount of owned mobile?
The number of accounts opened among different operators in the country who are waging a war without thank you for gain share in an already saturated market (my god, as this sentence is long ...) would be a factor of superiority?
The Hayastantsi would actually be a kind bionic Terminator and Laptop an extension of his hand?
The Armenian a cyborg as the others ... Let us on this issue that bothers many foreigners traveling in Armenia, but not that.

reminder, there are three main operators in Armenia. Armenian VivaCell, the undisputed leader in terms of mobile telephony, the Russian Beeline, 10% of shares belong to the Armenian government. And finally, the last to be back in the race in November 2009, the French Orange, rather than trying to penetrate the market of mobile Internet, but will not defend bad either with regard to telephony.
The advantage of the novelty and the development of a marketing strategy finely prepared: network coverage of 95% of the territory at the opening of first store on the total excluded from Apple IPhone 4 , pervasive visual brand in Yerevan and in regions, standardized decor boutiques, promotions galore, etc. ...
The kind of strategy the Russians certainly have not yet assimilated and how they are going briskly (but not for long ...) as previously, they had rather the habit to be the only ones doing business in these countries former satellites of the USSR regarded as their playground.
But it was years after the award of a third mobile license in Orange in November 2008 that changed things a bit!
Ci cons, a specimen of bionic woman with whom I work
is where I stand, as intrepid reporter desperate to inform you, dear reader curious and thirsty for news, but mostly for you free of this weight that keeps you from sleeping and cause you insomnia for six months. Because, yes, it does humble servant of interview of the PD-G Orange Armenia, Bruno Duthoit, and may bring you an early answer to the question I put over already too many time: why this ambiguous relationship with the phone?

Incidentally, the item will be available in March in the next issue of the splendid and indispensable magazine France Armenia, the only monthly foolish enough to let me write on its pages with confidence (a measure of quality so ...). For the subscriber, dear reader, you can just relieve you of a few dollars and make you here. Supports the press, you'll see, it's good. Or send me an email and I'll send the PDF can be the story if I'm in the mood to share. But enough advertising, back to our phones.

Here's what Bruno Duthoit said, when, in a burst of inspiration unsuspected, I asked him this question of relevance that borders on unprecedented Albert Londres, Tour de France time " What's special about the mobile market in Armenia?"
"(...) Armenians are Multi SIM cards and are extremely attached to their first phone number their historic numbers. Much more than in France. So many people willingly subscribe to Orange, but little tendency to connect their new number. They keep in addition, because we have good rates to our internal network. "
So here was simple. In good homo ow conomicus , Armenians trying to do ... just savings!
Indeed, it is always more profitable to call on a mobile phone from Orange to Orange a SIM that mix networks and pay ten times more expensive. Hence the development of strategies implausible from Friends of our body hair defying every law of nature to make a simple phone call. Everything is explained.

Personally, I would have preferred to discover that the creatures were actually half man, half machine , but the true reality is unfortunately much less crazy. I share your disappointment ... a disappointment that I will go and drown in the over-consumption of unnecessary goods. No, do not hold me dear reader! However
... The problem is that would not be surprised to see open not long in clinics specializing in the treatment of addiction to cell phone ... It would address the split personality due to the misuse of two phones simultaneously and posttraumatic stress disorder following a loss of network ... a frequent phenomenon in the most remote villages of Armenia and causing almost irreversible behavioral disorders among a generation of junkies Armenians. Clinics mobile addicts ... to develop a business ? Notice to sharks ...
Armenians are smoking the SIM cards

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fasciitis More Condition_symptoms

Stepanavan Chinese New Year: Love is in the meadow at the bottom left

What did you think dear reader cultivated, but still full of misconceptions about your fellow ... ? You thought that there was no Chinese in Armenia? Let alone Stepanavan? Well, let me tell you you're wrong heavily. Armenia is certainly a mono ethnic countries to 97% (which means nothing, I grant you dear reader, but it is an excuse for you to read this ...). But indeed it welcomes members of the Chinese community.
Here in Stepanavan, they are there to work like beasts in the secret gold mine that is not very far from here ( we'll talk soon) living at the hotel where Lorie, in my opinion, Maro, the big boss, they made keuftes / pilaf every Thursday night.
Thursday to mark their new year, they met with Armenians to party. J'te leaves a little imagine the table. Hey, speaking of painting, here are some photos taken during the evening.
As usual ', click on tofs to see a bigger ... Finally, when it works.

At first I thought of a bloody confrontation between communities, Battle Without Honor kind Humanity gold, but to my disappointment, it did not. It was good natured. We even offered flowers ...

Shit, I who wanted action and of hemoglobin ... the atmosphere was rather "peace, love, unity and having fun" . And as in New York in early hip hop, Chinese and Armenians clashed in battle mode . Ie, making a circle and motivating a guy to go in the middle and show others who mastered best pops, locks and other figures of breakdancing real property known B boys. If you do not understand what I say, dear reader, it is quite normal. Do not worry.

Oh, I forgot to mention that there was also a Swede in the audience. He also worked at the mine, but it is apparently also a bit Chippendale in his spare time.

But after what he endured, we understand a little better why such a dislocation. The Chinese are cruel sometimes. (The video works fine, just move his slider a little to the right, sorry)


Finally, the only real battle that took place took place when we served the cake and took the form of a battle ... whipped. Everyone had around the nose and cheeks. For hemoglobin, we can forget.

Well, after a moment, the real guys who slip into the kangaroo got bored and decided to play real games of men, not stuff like what they baltringues of support just before. That's when the evening took a turn rather military contest slaps in the mouth or pump, arm wrestling ... Is not too much bickering in the Chinese did. Although Armenians are fighters and they have not let them do. We must not mess anyway.

Between exercises, the guys showed us a very strange way of drink. Ahhhh, those Chinese!
Suddenly, they were much more gays to put big slaps fortunately harmless to Pascal who, fortified by the khash last week, nothing has really felt.
In seeing the turn that it was going to take the guys are back to Gamberg dry on the action they would give the evening. And after much consideration, they decided to return to game a bit funnier and suddenly a lot less interesting for me that was hoping for a burst of uncontrollable violence, but enjoyable.
Below, one of them thinking about a fun activity where there is no need to talk too long under threat of total incomprehension. Unless he is simply trying to put the finger in the nose ... but anyway, I digress.

I did not really understand the concept of games that have followed, but it seemed to be pretty cool. And the dean of the Chinese seems he has taken control of the evening.

same time, his mastery of free karaoke Music slept everyone in the audience. This guy could be a guru in his own country, I am sure. Demonstration of "Chinese power" ... Watch the very particular way of using his fists. The civil rights activists in the States have invented absolutely nothing.

After a certain point, these ill-bred Europeans, hidden in a corner of the apartment have preferred to put it and converse rather than mingle in the festivities ... A lack of proper social obvious, but ... It takes all sorts to make a world as Mr. Drummond said.

In the end, everything ended well over a drink ...

Something happened in the egg and direct live that night. The Armenian side has tried to negotiate a marriage between a young Chinese and Armenian girl in a galley and a husband who was not present that evening. Kind but firm negotiations took place. Here is photographic proof:

Well, apparently if it's done, I would be the official photographer of the stuff. Chinese wedding in Armenia or Armenian wedding in China? Time will tell ... Love is really everywhere Stepanavan. It's beautiful.