What did you think dear reader cultivated, but still full of misconceptions about your fellow ... ? You thought that there was no Chinese in Armenia? Let alone Stepanavan? Well, let me tell you you're wrong heavily. Armenia is certainly a mono ethnic countries to 97% (which means nothing, I grant you dear reader, but it is an excuse for you to read this ...). But indeed it welcomes members of the Chinese community.
Here in Stepanavan, they are there to work like beasts in the secret gold mine that is not very far from here ( we'll talk soon) living at the hotel where Lorie, in my opinion, Maro, the big boss, they made keuftes / pilaf every Thursday night.
Thursday to mark their new year, they met with Armenians to party. J'te leaves a little imagine the table. Hey, speaking of painting, here are some photos taken during the evening.
As usual ', click on tofs to see a bigger ... Finally, when it works.
At first I thought of a bloody confrontation between communities, Battle Without Honor kind Humanity gold, but to my disappointment, it did not. It was good natured. We even offered flowers ...
Oh, I forgot to mention that there was also a Swede in the audience. He also worked at the mine, but it is apparently also a bit Chippendale in his spare time.
But after what he endured, we understand a little better why such a dislocation. The Chinese are cruel sometimes. (The video works fine, just move his slider a little to the right, sorry)
Finally, the only real battle that took place took place when we served the cake and took the form of a battle ... whipped. Everyone had around the nose and cheeks. For hemoglobin, we can forget.
Well, after a moment, the real guys who slip into the kangaroo got bored and decided to play real games of men, not stuff like what they baltringues of support just before. That's when the evening took a turn rather military contest slaps in the mouth or pump, arm wrestling ... Is not too much bickering in the Chinese did. Although Armenians are fighters and they have not let them do. We must not mess anyway.
Between exercises, the guys showed us a very strange way of drink. Ahhhh, those Chinese!
Suddenly, they were much more gays to put big slaps fortunately harmless to Pascal who, fortified by the khash last week, nothing has really felt.
In seeing the turn that it was going to take the guys are back to Gamberg dry on the action they would give the evening. And after much consideration, they decided to return to game a bit funnier and suddenly a lot less interesting for me that was hoping for a burst of uncontrollable violence, but enjoyable. Below, one of them thinking about a fun activity where there is no need to talk too long under threat of total incomprehension. Unless he is simply trying to put the finger in the nose ... but anyway, I digress.
I did not really understand the concept of games that have followed, but it seemed to be pretty cool. And the dean of the Chinese seems he has taken control of the evening.
same time, his mastery of free karaoke Music slept everyone in the audience. This guy could be a guru in his own country, I am sure. Demonstration of "Chinese power" ... Watch the very particular way of using his fists. The civil rights activists in the States have invented absolutely nothing.
After a certain point, these ill-bred Europeans, hidden in a corner of the apartment have preferred to put it and converse rather than mingle in the festivities ... A lack of proper social obvious, but ... It takes all sorts to make a world as Mr. Drummond said.
In the end, everything ended well over a drink ...
Something happened in the egg and direct live that night. The Armenian side has tried to negotiate a marriage between a young Chinese and Armenian girl in a galley and a husband who was not present that evening. Kind but firm negotiations took place. Here is photographic proof:
Well, apparently if it's done, I would be the official photographer of the stuff. Chinese wedding in Armenia or Armenian wedding in China? Time will tell ... Love is really everywhere Stepanavan. It's beautiful.
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