Message Rhapsody of R é alit é s
now these three remain: faith, e spérance, Shari e , but the greatest of these is the Charit e (1 Corinthians 13:13).
As Christians, we have a responsibility to change the world and the only way we can do it by the power of love. We will have to understand the ministry of the Spirit in love. It is important for us to understand the love of God, and walking, because love is the greatest power that exists. No wonder that the Spirit of God through the Apostle Paul prayed, "and know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with the fullness of God. "Ephesians 3: 19.
You can be a Christian for many years, or even a preacher and do not know what it is that love of God. Our call is to know and express God's love. You will not understand the love of God until you walk, because we experience the love of God when we understand that. Just as God has manifested His love for us in sending Jesus to die for us, you must express God's love to your world. Let love be visible in your eyes.
It reminds me of an incident at the School of Healing while I paid department has a baby girl who was completely paralyzed due to cerebral palsy. She had been able to walk and talk for years. When her mother took her, I did not need to touch, I just look into her eyes with love and she was healed. The demons can not resist the love of God. They give away. When people see the love of God manifest through you, it has a powerful impact on their lives.
That love is the seal of your life. There must be someone you dislike, and there should be someone you can not love. It is possible to love everyone, especially when you choose to look with eyes of love. Think about it: the love of God transforms a person has previously harmful as Saul of Tarsus into Paul the great Apostle to the Gentiles. This same love is powerful enough to transform anyone, no matter how aggressive, recalcitrant, rebellious or annoying the person can be!
Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for giving me a heart that loves all the time. Your love saturates my whole being and now, through Your Spirit, I manifest Your love to everyone around me through my words and my deeds in the name of Jesus.
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