Give your life to God Psalm 27:1-2
Have you ever seen a butterfly? or contemplated the sunrise? Have you ever seen a river flow? or cast a glance at the rainbow? The Bible says in Romans 1v19-20: "For what can be known about God is manifest in them, God having made known to them. Indeed, the invisible things of God, his eternal power and divinity, see themselves as the eye, since the creation of the world, when considered in his works. They are without excuse. " All works of creation reveal the glory and power of God and express a clear message that you can not not understand. God went further and revealed Himself to us through His Son Jesus Christ. The Scriptures declare that He is the true image of God and the splendor of his glory. Jesus himself said: "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." Through His Son, God demonstrated His love by making Him an offering for our sins to reconcile us to Him. By His death, He showed us how to commune with Him and now He wants us to receive the divine life that Jesus has placed at our disposal so that He might be in us and through us.
Today, you can receive God's life in your mind and become a new creature in Christ, so that the beauty and power are visible in you. Everything you need to do is make this prayer sincerely from your heart, and God will listen. Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Oh Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ, your Son who died for me and was resurrected from the dead for my justification.
Ta Word says in Romans 10 vs. 9 & 10: "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and it is in the mouth confession is made unto salvation. "
So I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from today. I receive the forgiveness of sins for my soul and I receive eternal life in my mind. I'm saved! I am born again! Thank you for making me your child.
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