Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jewel Denyle Interview

December 2010 Rhapsody of Realites


0 false false false 3 / 12 - Stand firm in Faith 4 / 12 - High Priest of Our Confessions

5 / 12 - The Holy Spirit can you reveal mysteries

6 / 12 - You should receive the Holy Spirit
7 / 12 - Do not find any pretext for Disease
8 / 12 - We receive
9 / 12 - God's unconditional love for you
10/12 - Christ is a place
11/12 - The True Essence of Prayer
12/12 - This is a day of joy and thanksgiving!
13/12 - Life without limits!
14/12 - Let your Spirit be responsible at all times
15/12 - The confession takes you to the Hi
16/12 - The Hi this is for the living
17/12 - You can have faith that others be healed
18/12 - Demonstrate the love of God
19/12 - The God of all comfort
20/12 - Confidence is a gift
21/12 - There is a greater glory to come!
22/12 - Do not bend at the day of trouble
23/12 - The divinity of Jesus
24/12 - You've got the love in you!
25/12 - Christ is born in our hearts!
26/12 - ships to reach the world!
27/12 - Eternal Life - God's gift to us!
28/12 - He knows what you need!
29/12 - Do not be disturbed by false accusations
30/12 - It has planned for you before you came
31/12 - Do not get lost in the World''''
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Sinachi from Christ Embassy - I stand amazed

Friday, December 17, 2010

Floridakitty Messenger

special prayer for Pastor Chris for you and your family

Send all your names + Name of your family members, with the location (country) or you write a
prayer@pastorchrisonline.org . Pastor Chris will specially pray December 31, 2010 was on live TV and Internet for the worship of the new year to all families whose names were sent. Besides this you have to sow your seed in early 2011 when you hear the word of the Holy Spirit to you. Your seed will connect you to the Word of Truth that you have heard and it will become reality for you in your life. Soyz bless all.

Boating Diagram Of Accident

New Year 2011 with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome will hold worship New Year's Eve December 31, 2010 live on satellite TV and Internet. It's now or we will the inspired Word of God the Holy Spirit for 2011. Be determined, focused and ready for this eve, as this will really be a special moment. It will be a point in the corporate anointing of the Body of Christ and the Holy Spirit will definitely tell you personally. A special time of prayer, praise, worship and exhortation from the Word of God. That evening, Pastor Chris will pray for all of us, if you are not aware, know he told us to send our name + names of members of our family address prayer@pastorchrisonline.org . And he will pray for all of us and our family with other pastors Christ Embassy tonight's New Year, you will see in fact a stack of letters (printed email) that we send and they will lay hands on. Glory to God!
Christ Embassy church Nearest
France: +33 1 75 78 92 37 Canada: +1 647 341 9091

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Do not miss it!
God bless you x

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ileus More Condition_symptoms


Hey! You know it's been a year since I stack scribbling my stories here? I made a break, certainly, but looking back, j'trouve qu'y'a been material, and evolution, necessarily ... We talk a little less time with my story, and most of my state of mind.

So on this day, a different message, not pretend to bring you anything, but you tell me what you enjoyed reading this blog in one year! What topics would have liked, what words you have spoken? To you the word, I resume the next message!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pokemon Silver Simulator

Noradouz: death is priceless

"The living are always, and increasingly governed by dead: this is the fundamental law of human order. " Auguste Comte, Catechism positivist. Second interview
Today, we are interested in a serious topic if you wish: death.
No, dear reader, do not be afraid, do not be shy, you'll see, you'll learn a lot by reading these few lines ...
I see you already come with your question: " Why, oh why he speaks of death as we will soon celebrate Christmas and we're all busy looking for gifts, all the more unnecessary each other, for people who will do the same for us and which ultimately have nothing to completely fuck it all ... WHY! strangle you with incomprehension when you hesitate between the Iphone and the Iphone 8 gigas gigas 16 watching you and the seller insists, the drop in front ... Cruel world.
Well, it's a good question dear reader ... But I did not really answer ... I'm just simply follow the order of my photos ... And it turns out that recently I went through the village known as Noradouz and that inspired me the following. Click on pictures to enlarge them if you wish, but do not feel particularly obliged ... Besides, sometimes it does not work.

Noradouz What to say about except that it is a small village in the Gegharkunik Marz and it has a totally unique site: the largest cemetery khatchkars across the country.
To know what a khatckar (I know you are curious dear reader) I invite you to take a look here .
Note that the guide Lonely Planet does not mention this place, so do not trust him next time and Fieser you rather your instincts.
I also want to introduce you my new muse, which now inspires each and with my photos that I hope the collaboration will be fruitful ... As soon as I entered the cemetery, I knew it was her. I will not say here his name, but here it is, posing for me in the middle of khatchkars ...

What class! What presence! But back to our main topic if you do not mind ... OK, we all know about what death is ... but what about Armenia? You're already asked my dear avid reader? OK, this is not the kind of thing on which we think often, I agree. More reason to talk about in a post. I want to apologize for the poverty of sources that compose this paper ... Alas, aside from the Internet and some books, I do not have many documents to fill out my speech on this subject oh so important and universal ... But enough about. To better understand death in Armenia, draw shamelessly Kaplanian Patrice's book "Karabakh Armenia Georgia" that I always recommend it, even on my worst enemy. That tells us what a tourist guide about death among the Armenians? "After death, the body is undressed, washed, and wipes it with a new towel. It prepares new clothes, it is placed in a coffin in which it also puts the towel neatly folded. Is deposited the coffin in a room, playing the sad music (the duduk ). People come, bring flowers, cry! Every night someone is watching the dead while the other male family members are sure that candles are always lit. Still sad music. This is called the "rest of the soul" and lasts until morning. the morning, friends, relatives, neighbors come together with a priest who reads prayers. During the prayers, women must go out and men have no right to cry. Men seize the coffin, always open, and make seven laps before the house, then turn to the east. Then the procession moved off. Traditionally, the journey must be done on foot.

At the entrance of the cemetery, the priest asks the women to turn back (really, the poor ...) . Is deposited in the coffin lla pit and it is closed. Everyone throws a handful of earth. There is no gravedigger, each takes a shovel. Sometimes it fills with bare hands. We drink a glass of brandy but it does not toast. On returning home we reboit and this time we raise toasts to the memory of the deceased. It is as if he were present.
For 40 days, the relatives of the deceased do not shave ( even women?) . Each week we bring incense and candles to the cemetery. We cry before lighting incense, dried her tears, but once it burns. During those same 40 days, a candle glows continuously and a table is always prepared, ready to receive those who come to present their condolences. Friends went first to the cemetery before going home. They did eat all sorts of dishes, except the skewers: boiled beef, but not blown. "

Below are some pictures of graves. You will notice that the Armenian has everything for her late, even a small corner for a drink with friends with a hiding place to conceal a small bottle and glasses or outright the large table with benches built ... The classy Nestor!

Except that jokes and jokes, but we must still address a problem is growing. The problem, as there always is that the dead are a little too much space.
I invite you, dear reader to read this article very Interestingly that I had in mind before going into the cemetery and drove me to write this post. Under the heading " Drunkenness and bidding pumps Funeral in Armenia " c e digital paper, written by Marianna Grigorian and Gayane Mkrtchian, says in essence that the Armenians say that as a slight problem with their dead. Indeed, they would be followers of ostentation and "bling bling" and spend some tens of thousands of dollars to provide a luxurious tomb for their dead. Amounts that require them to take out bank loans!

OK, it is far from graves Mexican narcos s, but well! Some graves are quite a place and the cemetery in Yerevan, according to the authors of the article covers 10% of the area of the city (2006 figures)!

What? I learned that my muse, who had yet assured exclusivity, flirts with other photographers! The proof of this photo found on the Internet ... A real scandal. We really can no longer trust anyone these days ... I broke the contract immediately.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pedal Boats For Sale In Florida

sensitive subject if ever there was ...! Once we talk about love, you are entitled to reactions wildest drunk as shocked as it was right to affection, attachment, but also of fear, mistrust .. .

could write pages and pages about love, many having done elsewhere. One could expatiate night and day on topics such as "Love is it better than friendship?". Let us talk about yours. A friendship with a touch of love is not it a hundred times stronger than a simple friendship? This love strengthens the link shapes the interest one for the other, gives a hint of magic. Oh, I'm not talking about tangible things, believe me, far from me these vile thoughts ... Remain wise.

You will wonder, perhaps, how to have a touch of love in friendships if you already love someone else? This is where I ask myself the question, when many say they can not love one person ... Is this a "contract" psychological set? Is it a code of conduct? Is it a lack of candor about his own feelings, or perhaps is it simply close our eyes to some things to look the other way, and believe more "right"? Suppose you love someone and you were attached to someone else, you feel for the first person he should influence your feelings for the second? In my opinion, no, it should influence your behavior, use your words, your actions, not your feelings. A real and honest feelings must come from the heart and not the reason why I think it's possible to love, to varying degrees, others that the only man of her own heart. And this is not necessarily bad for branding.

Are people who come to love several people at various levels should feel guilty? They may be simply more honest, more expressive, more honest with themselves and their surroundings. It has already established many codes of conduct, are not going to impose a code of feelings.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Amortization Schedule Regza

Love Reality (by Elodie)

- "I never knew Inari. However, at his request, I will write about his host, a difficult task for me that I never wrote that to dream or to lecture. Qu 'is important. That is not the issue. "

I'm sure, Inari, you will not contradict me when I say that this man who gave you life exudes a special aura. The first time I saw him, even before we talked, I was struck by his relaxed and self-assurance. He had not yet seen. He waited on the platform of the station, her eyes moving in all directions ...

His eyes ... This is the second feature that I noticed about him: the eyes dark and penetrating, that I dared not fix despite the temptation, for these eyes then gave the impression that if you captured it would be impossible to become loose. In short, it gave off - and always emerges! - An undeniable charisma, and I suppose, Inari Hence it is that your own radiation. After all, you too will have torn the hearts ...

Without having known at the time he lived through you, I've heard and read enough, I think in order to define yourself. I do not doubt it, since it is you who express yourself here, he tossed thee with their own life, a good character to you. But you share with him that look critically at the world - not critical to the derogatory sense, I reassure you right away, but by what you reflect on what you observe - and this profound sense of observation. It's nice to read your thoughts, because they are constructed, which proves to me that you're with a logical and methodical - like him. Also, I'd say you both are complementary. He loves to laugh, you you're serious, at least in your articles. He sometimes likes to write poems, to adjudicate on the music, you only write articles reflecting on the world and human society. Finally, you are primarily a game avatar who lives on the web, while he conducts his life in real life. Yes, you fill in well, so much so that I could be jealous if I did not know that you are a facet of it.

When I knew I was a timid girl, shy, who dared not face him. Probably Eryndel, my alter ego, would it be more easily established contact with you if she had walked the same regions of the web as you. And myself, before meeting in the flesh, talking easily with him on MSN ... under this pseudonym, always.

However, with his teasing, his kindness, his enthusiasm, his aplomb, I ended up changing. Thanks to him, I became more outgoing, more sure of myself. I longer hesitate to take initiative, I started to reach out to people, to dare to give my opinion. It took you a lot of patience to both - yes, you too, Inari, because your writings are partly for something - to achieve this, but I've realized recently, at work, where I was given some responsibilities this year. Oh, yes, I still have to move in that direction, but it is certain that with your help I shall succeed in doing what path to self-development to completion. So thank you to you, Inari, and thank you to him.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Everydayminerals Blush

Vanadzor in Armenia: a new restaurant concept is all the rage

Not happy to be back, not a but two times in the book of records this year and cause of many inventions such as yogurt, ATM , TV color, dried apricots, movies in 3D, the concept of bad faith and perhaps even the Internet, the Armenians he seems to have hit again by inventing a new restaurant concept that I did not know: the "restaurant in your bedroom" .
As its name suggests, the " restaurant in your bedroom " is actually a room in which there is a dining table (normal), but also ... a TV with DVD. In the event of a sudden,'d have wanted to suppress the Eurovision or a football game with your friends or play music and dance a Kochari by drinking vodka cul sec .
The advantage? This side is "back" when you were 16 years old and you eat in your room as if it was your own apartment and had nothing to worry about everything and that shit anyway j'fais c'que I fucking ... except that here, your mother is not there, nor to make you to eat or to ask you to make less noise if you like honey you'll be nice ... Your neighbors are almost the same as you next, you do not disturb.
course, you can also make your own game console if you want to challenge your friends in Mortal Kombat or FIFA 2011 (my references in video games are really outdated, but hey ...). Everything is possible and Vanadzor in Armenia in general!
Another good thing about this type of facility, you can smoke fags big without ever having to ask forgiveness from your fellow diners ... there is a table which is yours, for you and your friends. But that's not all dear reader!

The egg trick too? This strange object with a rounded shape that I first made an ashtray for high tech, but is in fact a bell to call the waitress without having to shout loudly ( thirties of fags smoked each of your Armenian friends during the meal you just have ). Ideal when you want to recommend a bottle or when you need lavash bread.
But Then, what may well be the fault of this wonderful place that is the "restaurant in your bedroom" ?!
Good ... let's be objective, like any good professional journalist. In fact, there are very few (I mean ...). defects But to prove my sincerity and my editorial independence, I still mention a few.
One shortcoming of this type of restaurant, then, unfortunately decoration ... According to some trivial detail, an element of paramount importance for the others ... For my part, I could not help but think back to those tables that are found exclusively kebabs in the street disreputable Lyon. But if, you know, these paintings represent a beautiful backlit meadow Turkish cows with unlikely colors (even the Milka cow next to it seems normal) and a shepherd badly cut on Photoshop glued to an unlikely place without any respect for the most Basic perspectives ... It is up to you now ... ?
Fortunately, Armenians and taste better on this example, we can say they have been sober.
Another problem is the TV remote ... Say you're a dozen friends to get together in such a restaurant, friends of the over-sized ego and the spirit of individualism I mean ... Will arise at some point or another, the supreme question: who is who takes control of the zapper? To avoid problems, some advice: make sure you choose the friends you invite to dinner. Or simply unplug the device while pretending the fault too bad I too want to watch TV, p'tain. Choice.
Third problem: claustrophobia. Even if only six or seven people maximum can go to your room, know that it is possible that the air starts to become scarce when the coffee.
But to end on a positive note if you wish. A final advantage of the restaurant in your bedroom is the lounge area. A real must when you're tired of dancing and vodka playing tricks with you or you want to take your distance with that just put you 7-0 to ISS Pro.
To finish once and for all on the subject, here a small video tour at the time of the Armenian movida to give you a glimpse of what could be a late lunch in Vanadzor ... time when the city was the capital of Armenia punk rock.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nonhodgkins Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms

Stepanavan barking dogs ... and pass away.

"Since it had to start at one end, they began first to get rid dogs. " They, are the Young Turks of the Committee of Union and Progress who overthrew the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1909. Their march towards progress, therefore, began by hygiene measures with no return of the exiled countless dogs Istanbulites wandering on a deserted island and concomitantly, the massacre of some 20,000 Armenians. Old tradition dear to the Sublime Porte and how to get your feet wet for the great genocide of 1915 (1.5 million deaths) that could be accomplished more calmly in the confines of Asia Minor that the rest of world was at war. "
This excerpt from an article pilfered without any feeling of regret or shame on my part (but then no ...) comes from the site The regimental angels (quoting the sources anyway) and speaks of a book that any respectable man and well educated must have in their library.
This book is Turkish Night of Philippe Videlier , researcher at CNRS (where he led a hard life), historian and author, among other things, a book on this beautiful and misunderstood what common Décines . (The twin city of Stepanavan, should you still remember?).

What relationship with this dear city of Stepanavan? will you tell me ... Patience dear reader. Let me explain, impatient reader, unaccustomed to the slow and dainty news quickly absorbed speeds forgotten ...

Here it is the reason for this post, dear reader! Attention, get ready, it will hurt.

Last week, in full concentration on this website yet unknown general public ... -What's it called again? Ah yes, Facebook ...- I hear a bang. Like a shot. And that, very close to my home to me.
I open the window ... and the only thing I see at night (like my black sourdj morning, as the public lighting Stepanavan almost no) is the end of a gun protruding from the window of a car enters a roundabout ... very slowly. American film noir kind of leap years. The fog, cold, shadows ... You see the trick.
Taking my courage in tomorrow two hands, I decided to close my window and return right away to my business.
Ten minutes later, a new shot ... surprise re-, re-I rise sharply, reopening the window ... except that, I mean something ... like a breath, a kind of stifled groan ... and then nothing. I see one or two dogs spinning in circles, obviously disturbed by something. I grabbed my camera and being outside to have the heart net. And then I fall over:

I call again my guardian.
Transcript of our brief but informative conversation
- "Armine jan, is it normal to Stepanavan to shoot stray dogs at night?
- Yes yes ... it's normal. Many poor families can not feed their babies leave the dogs in the street and sometimes they are killed because there are too many.
-OK. .. tomorrow, Armien January "

NO HOW ...

Here ... This flash photography reminds me that I must speak Film Serge Avedikian, Bitch history, which won the Palme d'Or at Cannes this year in the short film category. ;
Here's the synopsis: " Constantinople 1910. Too many stray dogs in the streets. The government is seeking, with European experts, how to get rid of them before deciding alone to deport 30,000 dogs on a deserted island off the city. "
How? It does remind you of anything?
OK, the output is here. Go oust!

Thirty minutes later, the sound of a chest that closes loudly. I open my window again. The dogs have disappeared.
The next day, a red spot on the sidewalk bleeding as a souvenir.
People pass by without noticing anything.
The life goes on ... Stepanavan

Some useful links for the more curious among you:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Clonazepam And Hair Loss

art, beauty or emotion?

A small digression that crossed my mind: what the art successful? Are we succeeded his artwork because it makes it beautiful, or are we the success because we know there to get the emotion?

For some, art must first be beautiful. We measure the art in technical terms, noting if it meets specific constraints, it is "standards of beauty." It uses complex elements, whether forms or methods in painting, technical prowess in music, poetry, technical terms ... And yet, what about all these efforts if the final result is bland and soulless?

more I see art as a message of emotions, evoking moods and feelings. Whatever it is less beautiful, no matter it is cooler, no matter it is more cruel topics such as malaise, melancholy, death and depression will never effectively transported by an art "beautiful." Therefore, there will use darker tones in painting, sounds more aggressive and tortured in music, poetry crudest terms ... Will it be yet lower quality? I think not. And at least it will be more meaningful.

back to our art "beautiful" then. A search for beauty too, do we not lose everything gradually aware of emotions that could carry? This beauty would it not then the ruin of the soul for this art, depriving it of all its evocative power?

So, I count on you to be the architects of the emotion and not just manufacturers of beauty.

Gallbladder Problems More Condition_symptoms

(In) tolerance

There is much talk of "tolerate" others. Yet if I look at what the dictionary thinks, I see that "tolerate" is a synonym for "bear". If I look at this time the definition of "support", I see "difficult to accept the presence of someone or something". Oh yeah ok, so basically, asking to be tolerant of others, we are asked to endure all the nonsense, lies and other nonsense from them we can read and hear? Amazing concept.

But I'd rather not imposed upon me to support this basic irritates me or disgusts me. I do not really want to tolerate those insignificant, narrow minded or limited, it would lie to them. What worries me even more, so, it is still the source of hypocrisy is tolerance, we end up bearing his neighbor, not that we love, far from it indeed, but still polite, courteous, smiling and everything nice. Behind his back, after we will gladly few picks, but we do moderate, it should not escape the "tolerance" of its next!

No, I do not tolerate idiots, I do not tolerate liars, I do not tolerate the concept of tolerance that drives us to feign indifference or acceptance of what we do not, what would we condemn, but does not mind by "politically correct". I do not tolerate those who tolerate those they dislike because they are false and hypocritical. And I'm honest.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Adrien Arpelporcelain Coverbase

Puzzle human

Today, I was asked who I was and why I existed, and I was arrested. I may be poorly explained, so I think it may be useful to clarify things! As I speak, I am Inari, simply creating a wacky mind of a boy at the time in an identity crisis, or simply ill at ease.

If it is nothing of all this today on, and there are more problem identification or discomfort, it is through me that you just tell his story, or simply sharing his experience, courtesy of my existence '. It's just a manner of speaking, not an unhealthy process or obscurantist, and besides if you think that, I suggest you keep an open mind, you must have great need. You can start by reading all these messages on reflection really this time, you may see more clearly.

But what experience these things have they made? Vile lie that all this will you say, deep deception as "pretending to be a girl." I think things went beyond of that, an entirely different stage, so that no one like me at that time known only held against me or accused of any "lie". Strange, is not it, for you who will see a surge of pure mythomania? I believe that all people perceive things differently, and each is forging his own experience following the experiences. By adding a second personality, my dear host was able to discuss different ways, expand his mind by watching the reactions to her unusual feel differently, perhaps even restoring confidence through the feelings that I focused, but more importantly, he gained confidence. These discussions, these different views, these new emotions, all of this has forged a new learning experience, both culturally and socially.

Becoming Human, by understanding the feelings of others, thinking before you condemn me because I tried to do, and you? Think about it ... If you continue to imagine that I have an unhealthy mind too, I think I'll end up thinking that yours is just too narrow.

Blueprints For Rabbit Hutch

Se success programs

The program ... Renew your thoughts, be discipline, do not be likely, be firm. do not worry about what others say. discipline your mind to think big, to think what God says you are. think like a president, as a VIP. I see myself as God wants me to be. I do not care what people say. Champion is a program to succeed. pull a rhema to drop the logos of power of God. speak in tongues to build your mind. do not neglect worship. Think about the words. champtions's not likely. have the inner strength. you are a shining star, destiny to shine and illuminate the earth. Watch your thoughts.
for superb teaching how to program for success.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

South Park - Stickfish


- "Oh, you're really beautiful, I ..."
- "Go to another lovesick dodge. "

Yes but no, I protest strongly! Why is it that people now see the hidden meanings everywhere, including the compliments? Has there be no longer the law to tell someone that is beautiful, for example, without creating thousands of innuendo in his mind via a pathway leading to implicit wrong?

I'm still able to find nature beautiful, and I would say, but for people is less clear. However, I try to keep my sincerity. Who has not seen his heart warmed by a compliment or two? Would you have this habit be lost because of questionable and often incorrect interpretations? The man became suspicious of his fellows, but all this gives rise to a lack of candor in the end. Or is it the frank nature of the non-human, that would have made them suspicious about his fellows?

Have not you noticed how we sanitize our words to make them edible? We camouflage our criticisms to make them less sharp, and do moderate our compliments to make them less suspicious ...

So do not lose our ability to speak frankly with our hearts, namely as a compliment blame our surroundings for what they are or do. And most importantly, learn again how to listen to these words, without looking for meaning often implied absent without creating detours.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I-catcher Console -web Monitor Home


"injured fox, fox dying ...

Lying among the trees cold, bare and leafless in the grip of pain, one can hardly say that the beast was still a few hours ago, a hero to his people, he protected the body and soul.

His slow breathing does not much hope, the hunter was hunted, killed by man, the hook has failed to address the lead. A fight unfair uncontested victory, but what pride for this "winner"?

The animal, however, is capable of something more powerful than man, such as face her pain. Painfully, he gets up and starts walking distance to the rocks a little further, on the edge of the wood.

The animal has not this quality, against the cruel man. It is also capable of dignity, even facing death. No tears this hero, no complaints, no scandal. He knows how to cope with fate, without dwelling on his fate, yet fatal.

The animal also has a vision for the honor more accomplished than that of her killer ... He who hunted not only for its needs and those of his own, that won him this senseless murder and unjustified?

Worn out, exhausted, he ends up falling all its weight among the rocks. Her gaze is troubled, his hearing becomes blurred, yet it can already hear the crows swirling around him, as the messengers of death.

Filled with cowardice and weakness, the hunter moves away. The hunted him, closes his eyes, a sigh of relief.

Is not the strongest who thinks so. Not winning the apparent winner. "

All this because the human race is that lice without scruple, no code of honor, without pride, without pity and without the slightest ounce of loyalty. The fighting most will never remain easily won great victories and cowardice will never pay. Do not stay human, challenge yourself !

(Inspired by "Wolves In The Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots")

Blue Prints For A Rabbit Cage

Nightlife black

Depression. A term commonly used among today's youth . It is depressed at any cost. Who really is? I do not know ... Many are looking for an alibi, an excuse ... My host has he been depressed? I do not know. Demotivated, falling from nowhere to nowhere, yes. Without faith no more carrier, without lens, without interest in life, yes. Depressed ... who knows.

Anyway, my host does not like fashion. And depression has become the fashion of young pseudo-psychological distress. Without understanding the basics of this disease, it invokes all the sauces, as we leave an umbrella during a downpour. I think the real sick laugh many people there looking for excuses ... they still had the heart to laugh them.

So this whole chips unhealthy spiritual filth out of our minds clouded, and move forward. This passage has strengthened the spirit of my host, but it's past history. There is no need to put in the spiral of despair to demonstrate a Psychology rich and intelligent, or to feel emotions. There is no need that to appreciate the sadness of an autumn or winter melancholy. And will not suffer from this type of "depression" that will decide not to suffer.

Clown Fish Saddle Pad For Sale

Monastery Sanahin: "Forgive me, O Lord, I confess any sin ...". In

When in Alaverdi and you want to go Sanahin to see his monastery dating from the tenth and thirteenth century, it is better does not rush his body with unnecessary physical effort, but rather to keep the economy of this country ... taking a bus. It is also responsible tourism and sustainable ...
Thus, you can enjoy the ride to watch the people, too, watching you, whispering in their ear neighbors (it is useless to whisper, I do not understand the Armenian ...) while throwing anxious glances and sometimes disapproving of my piercings and my long neck soon.
As usual, click on pictures to enlarge ... do not be afraid ...
Sanahin arrived at, a walk in the sun awaits us. Yippee! I love when the sun melted my neck and sprayed the retina of my delicate eyes. What a wonderful feeling ...
Hey, I borrowed this much ass for this little trip, but I'm not very confident capricious in these animals ...
Well, finally, after several complaints launched into space and a bit of resignation, we finally arrived at the place that interests us.
I will not retrace the history of the place ... lack of knowledge, but mostly because I do not envy. It's true what ... you just have to come to Armenia to learn everything. Or surf the Internet if you do not have time ... And do not count on me to make this easier by offering you a link ... Ah ah ah, I'm evil ...

The building is quite impressive, especially when you penetrate to the inside and the temperature suddenly drops 15 degrees without warning. Stone throughout the impression and inexplicable that it is better not to mufti or risk seeing the doomsday arrive earlier than expected ...
Just soak up the atmosphere then.
The black and white is required.

Back to color outside the monastery ...

OK, we can expect everything in Armenia. But here, the guys were still strong. After a few minutes walk, children's cries are heard ... A school is nearby. So nothing unusual, except that here ... when approaching a little, you come face to face with ... a MIG. Like that, without warning. Hop! J'te crazy it there instead of a khatchkar or source of water as there are approximately every 150 meters in this country.
Not ... then we did in the original ... in the supernatural, I would say.
So what?
megalomania of the mayor exceeded by the buzz around Tatev and his "biggest cable the world" (13 million euros, though, the bazaar ...) and decided to strike a blow? Paranoia of a people Sanahin desperate to leave town if climate catastrophe or nuclear war? Or are we just victims of poisoning caused by fumes emitted by the plant Alaverdi (see previous post )? No, none of this, dear reader ...
The explanation: This is the memorial dedicated to the aircraft designer Artem Mikoyan . He and his brother, Anastasius, president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (that is to say the Head of State) after Brezhnev, are from the city. And a museum devoted to them a few meters from here. We are thus reassured.
This is the only photo I wanted to take in the museum so enjoy ... Contemplate and meditate at length on that.
Too bad the sound is missing, you could hear the students sing softly singing a sort of religious fucks goosebumps ... But with a little imagination ...
MIG again to be absolutely certain that this is not a hallucination ...
A last view of the school and its lovely willow reminds me Selby Junior ... and yes, what do you all his references ...
Back at home, I read the book without any real conviction Armenia, Georgia, Karabakh Patrick Kaplanian (which I do not advise buying though ...) that kindly lent me Lucina, my teacher of Armenian center TAGS Stepanavan and that is in my toilet . A passage challenges me suddenly. I read page 260: "Tipping. The practice of tipping is very common. We left everywhere. For example in the man-with-the-key that you started the church." Dazed and
tremor on the toilet seat ...
OH MY GOD! I forgot to spin a pourliche the old lady who kindly and without ulterior motives-no-open this door of the monastery. She even placed behind a table with all his memories and postcards for me to take a nice picture ...
If in a week, you do not hear from me on this blog, consider this humble post as the last. God have me punished for this sacrilege, this shameful sin that I balance on the internet anyway ... because God knows everything anyway, it is well known.
Money and password to open my Mac is my mattress in case ...