"injured fox, fox dying ...
Lying among the trees cold, bare and leafless in the grip of pain, one can hardly say that the beast was still a few hours ago, a hero to his people, he protected the body and soul.
His slow breathing does not much hope, the hunter was hunted, killed by man, the hook has failed to address the lead. A fight unfair uncontested victory, but what pride for this "winner"?
The animal, however, is capable of something more powerful than man, such as face her pain. Painfully, he gets up and starts walking distance to the rocks a little further, on the edge of the wood.
The animal has not this quality, against the cruel man. It is also capable of dignity, even facing death. No tears this hero, no complaints, no scandal. He knows how to cope with fate, without dwelling on his fate, yet fatal.
The animal also has a vision for the honor more accomplished than that of her killer ... He who hunted not only for its needs and those of his own, that won him this senseless murder and unjustified?
Worn out, exhausted, he ends up falling all its weight among the rocks. Her gaze is troubled, his hearing becomes blurred, yet it can already hear the crows swirling around him, as the messengers of death.
Filled with cowardice and weakness, the hunter moves away. The hunted him, closes his eyes, a sigh of relief.
Is not the strongest who thinks so. Not winning the apparent winner. "
All this because the human race is that lice without scruple, no code of honor, without pride, without pity and without the slightest ounce of loyalty. The fighting most will never remain easily won great victories and cowardice will never pay. Do not stay human, challenge yourself !
(Inspired by "Wolves In The Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots")
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