Alert! I see too many people who ignore their past, or at least force them to forget it. However, if these are people who read my nonsensical thoughts here present, they should note that these reflections are made solely based on ... past, and experience that I learned.
No, do not hide the past. How do you build, grow, have experiences, if you do not keep anything from the past? A person without a past is a person who is reborn every day, constantly newborn, toddler, innocent and lost in this world ... A person who can cope with new situations because she has never experienced before or ... because she has forgotten her past.
If I target more, how can you even remember having loved someone? Okay, you tell me you do not forgotten, but just ... "It's the past, say no more." Is that feelings are fragile things so much? I thought that love was something "very strong". Do we forget that we loved a person as soon as we love another? I do not know about you, but for me, no. It does not mean that I still love the person, but at least I do not forget, I keep something in me, and ... life experience.
No, do not really hide the past. What are your experiences that you will build, you will evolve, you learn to react to new situations, close the ones you've already lived. No, we must not forget that you loved or who loved you, because these people here probably will keep a trace, importance, and even if they are people that you no longer love or you hate today It is always good to remember ... even the good to which to return.
If you still doubt that the past can bring you, you just have to reread all of the above!
If you still doubt that the past can bring you, you just have to reread all of the above!
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