Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Polycistic Ovaries More Condition_symptoms

2:30 chrono mode report NO COMMENT

Dear reader informed and always well informed, I am again for a post a bit special ...
Let me explain. Monday, Armin, my guardian and benefactor calls me and asks:
- "Mike, can you come in. Half an hour, we go to The Villages today?"
Me, Calvin Klein pajama plaid right eyelid still stuck due to lack of sleep and a very very slight hangover caused by a English appetizer that has dragged on too the day before
- "Give me one hour, I take a shower and I'm coming."
Yes, I am one who takes an hour to shower. I assume. And I still can not set the hot water here, so souss !
we go for half past two in jalopy through one or two villages located around the dear City Stepanavan. Vardablur, Kurtan can be ... I do not really remember actually. But whatever. We are seeking to sign contracts, animals the farm and starting a whole bunch of stuff I'll explain later because I really do not want to do right now ...
Also, pictures that follow are the result of this impromptu stroll and yet delicious. I keep some for a future post that will enlighten you a little about why and how these pictures ... Know how to maintain suspense unbearable ... The secret is there dear reader impatient and eager for information about this strange country called Armenia.
Well, photos are a bit disorderly, but that's about it as that it happened ... I'm really disappointed with the color rendering this time, so knowing that the originals are much more saturated ...
Again, dear reader, do not forget to click on pictures to enlarge them (and me fly without any feeling of remorse at the same time ...). And do not forget to also take a look at the links scattered here and there to my inspiration.

Which of the two owners of these pairs of shoes binch abandoned his ground. Let the police do their work ...

Cats do not like the pictures ...

First time these young ladies are a Nikon ... it is possible that this has shocked the ...

In Armenia, the walls speak much ... same lot. Proof:
Here, they say I look like a fedayeen ... probably because of the gun with which I walk in Stepanavan ...

In tribute to those killed in Karabakh ... Rip


Veterans of World War II ... According to the director of the school where this photo was taken é, three are still alive.

A tiger doing a kholovatz ... Hmm ... nothing impresses me since I'm in Armenia ...

The entrance to the town hall Kurtan ...

The little girl who did not want to open my eyes ...
This young lady taunted me for ten minutes by express closing his peepers each got what I wanted to take a picture of his "burning eyes" ...

Then I turned back ...

fled a moment ...

But it was without relying on my speed ... 15 minutes of waiting ...

At school

Pop fridge

Makouré, Makouré, looks like someone ...

To go box or market your well chosen pair of gochiks ...


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