Monday, November 1, 2010

Ap Bio Cellular Respiration Lab

Lori Berd Autumn ... The

Before the Winter arrives (which will be soon seen how cold it is here), my tutor, Armine, tries to make me visit the most beautiful corners of Stepanavan and Lori region. To let me know a little better places, but also to take some photos to the website of the Information Center Stepanavan , Before the sun and the lights are so characteristic of Autumn disappear ... A season that is known in Armenia, the "Golden Autumn".

Here are some pictures of Lori Berd, a village in the area located seven miles east of Stepanavan. This is where the remains enthroned a medieval fortress on a sort of peninsula surrounded on three sides of the river gorges and Dzoraget Miskhana.

studies of the remains of the fortress revealed the existence of baths dating from the 11th and 13th century, with a relatively complex system of heating and hot water circuit and cold.
In one building, one can even see the evidence of Muslim presence (a stone from Mecca) from the 14th and 15th century.

Click on pictures to enlarge ...


Inside the chapel ...

The nearby residents come to pray and light some candles from time to time ...

View gorges

If you're a bit adventurous, you can descend into the grooves to cool off a little or for a picnic near the water ... this requires a bit of sport, but it's definitely worth a look ...


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