Is not it good to believe?
Belief is the limitless imagination. How to imagine a world totally rational and insipid, with so many things unexplained? Even if it were so, how to get to accept this sad and obviously losing our minds imagination? It is beautiful to believe. Me, I designed my own god, my own paradise, my own angels. Those who guide me, my loved ones, those that match my imagination. No mapping prefabricated, my god I want to be like, and its principles will be mine, it will be my hero.
And yet, how to join the preconceived belief of heroes? How many suffer from a lack of imagination as they are forced to join the existing visions? That's what I like to call "pack belief" in the world today. "Hi, you do not know who to believe? We offer a god already ready, angels like this, a paradise like this. You have nothing to imagine, sign here a little help, and presto you have signed up for 1-year membership renewable every 1st January.. "That's religions, it sells you a diagram, it makes you gobble concepts are taking advantage of your lack of creativity or imagination for you to lay an adulterated product and a liar. Worse yet, you wound on the wrong things to try your faith through a false ideology.
So Go ahead, join the priests child molesters and other unhealthy suicidal terrorists, go y. .. My hero is far nobler than yours.
Is it not ugly make believe?
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